How To Avoid Procrastination While Studying and Taking Classes.

November 19, 2022

You wake up early in the morning intending to attend all your online classes and do your assignments. However, it’s 3 pm and you are yet to start anything. Now, it’s 5 pm, your energy seems to have returned and you’re rushing to meet up and beat time with so many deadlines calling your name.

Is the above scenario you? The big question here is what happened? Why did you all of a sudden lose focus and become lazy? 

Don’t worry, you are not alone. We have all worked into the trap of procrastination knowingly or unknowingly. Now, don’t glory in the fact you are not alone. Heavy consequences are lying in wait for procrastinating.

In this article, we will look at procrastination and how to overcome it.

Ever since the advent of the coronavirus, schooling and learning skills have shifted more to online platforms. There are so many benefits attached to studying from home but procrastination can slowly seep in and take you hostage.

Online learning (source)

Sometimes, it’s not due to a lack of motivation rather it is due to distractions surrounding you. These distractions often come in the form of “let me prepare a little snack, let me check out what’s going on on the television, let me relax on the couch for just 5 minutes and so many other “let me’s”.  

Procrastination can be dealt with, all you need is discipline. Yes, you can be free from procrastination but you have a lot of work to do. Below are ways you can break free from the shackles of procrastination.

The first step to overcoming procrastination is to identify the cause. There must be a reason why you are procrastinating, you need to identify this reason to get past it. Some of the reasons why you are procrastinating may be:

  1. You are not a fan of the teaching method.

Ever noticed that when you find any online teaching method boring, attendance to such classes becomes an issue for you? It gets to the extent where you lack the stamina and energy to engage in it.

Check this with classes you find fun and entertaining, you hardly push away those classes for later. You become eager to attend.

To get over your issues with the courses and classes, focus on the positive reasons you need to get the courses done. A huge factor could be that you need to learn the skill and earn huge in the few years to come. It is all about self-talk here.

2. Distractions

Distractions seem to be the most common reason for procrastination. Things like social media and even hunger can pose a distraction for you. 

Social Media distraction (source)

 If possible turn on the focus mode on your phone to limit your access to social media platforms. In the case of hunger, if you love eating between work, get snacks close to you so you don’t have to leave to purchase anything.

3. Creative Block

Every creative must have experienced creative block. It seems as though you can’t come up with the perfect idea, especially for that assignment. Yes, it happens to even the best of us and leads us into procrastinating when we feel our creative juices are not flowing.

If you face a creative block, go for a walk, change your position, or do something that will take your mind away from the task momentarily before coming back to it again. 

Allow yourself to create the imperfect first draft. Then, you can work and build on it later. 

Sometimes, you procrastinate because you lack the self-confidence to see through the task. You are scared of making mistakes. Sometimes, when you look at the bulk of work awaiting you, it leaves you overwhelmed and the next action is to push it to another time.

The above lack of self-confidence is seen in cases of tasks and projects given after a class. You already feel defeated before engaging in the tasks.

Having identified the various reasons why you procrastinate, the next step is to adhere to the following procedures for overcoming procrastination.

  1. Set Goals and Break Them Down

There are goals to accomplish, but it would be easier and nicer if you could break them down into daily goals. It is nice to write down things you hope to accomplish for the day when you wake up in the morning. Doing so registers those activities in your brain

While setting your goals, ensure they are SMART

S – specific

M – measurable

A – attainable

R – relevant

T – time based.

SMART Goals (Source)

Every day, set a target to accomplish. Then, in each day’s target, break it down into tinier goals. Performing tasks one at a time reduces procrastination.

 Imagine, if you have a goal of writing 10,000 words in a week. Break the 10,000 words into seven days a week, which is about 1400 words per day. For each day, create an outline to work with and this will help you achieve the 10,000 words at the end of the week.

2. Prioritize

There is no doubt that you may have multiple tasks to accomplish in a day. Create a priority list for your tasks. You can rank them based on urgency and importance


For your courses and assignments, start with the most difficult assignment and make your way toward the simplest of them all. When it seems there are so many class videos to watch, create a priority list and start from there.

3. Avoid Multitasking

Trying to achieve everything all at once is a step to procrastination. Multitasking leaves you overwhelmed and not focusing on any particular task. Focus on one task at a time, doing this will also ensure the task is completed well.  

4. Take a Break Between Tasks

Don’t burn out in the name of trying to accomplish several goals. Breaks keep you energized and refreshed to continue working on a task. If you aim at studying 12 hrs daily, then ensure you take a break every 3 or 4 hours. 

5. Use Productivity Software

Social media platforms serve as a means of distraction sometimes. It all starts with “Let me check a message”. Several applications enable you to limit time on certain social media apps. Get them so they can help you focus on your tasks.


Some productivity tools such as Rescuetime, and Self-control can play a huge role. 

6. Reward Yourself

Talk about motivation, and talk about reward and punishment. If you want to form a good habit, factor in rewards. Write down tasks and assign a reward to each task. These rewards could be snacks, free time, or even money.


7. Apply Consistency

Deciding to stop procrastination is easy but sticking to it can be hard. It takes 30 days to form a new habit. 

Apply consistency to the following tips and see your life change.

 Will it be difficult? Yes!!! But is it possible? Yes.


From the above, you can see it all begins and ends with you. These tips are also effective if you’re taking classes from home, they will ensure you take up each task at the right time. 

With consistency, you will see a change in your lifestyle and procrastination won’t be your captor anymore. 

Have you been having issues with procrastination? Are your tasks and projects suffering because of it?

The above methods are here to save you!!

What are your resolutions to killing procrastination in your life? 

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