More Techies Year in Review – 2021

December 31, 2021

Yaay! It’s More Techies year in review – 2021.

So a background story…

One day, we thought to document the experiences of African women and push crazy content online. This was in 2020. We ran this for a while and based on our initial target audience, we decided to help women get into tech. Our first thought was to create a community where we could post tech job opportunities for women in tech.

This went on for a while and following the statistics of those who engaged us on various channels, we decided to fully rebrand from More Of A Woman to More Techies. Surprisingly, this brought so much excitement and we decided to build our tent. So it’s been 3 months of officially running More Techies 🥰

The year has come to an end and we are so excited to have provided you with so much value. We want to share what it has been with you. Ready?


  • October 12 – we launched our tech community on Telegram which was initially open to women.
  • We got into partnerships with some credible organisations like Rillahost, Withpropel and Muve.


  • November 12 – we opened up More Techies to everyone.
  • The More Tribe community grew from 25 to 1200 members. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
  • November 15 – we opened up for members of the community to register for our very own Hackathon, Morekathon. The goal was to get members of the community to work on projects concerning climate change and get to win £2000. The Grand finale will be held in the month of February 2022. This saw the registration of about 8 teams.


  • In December, we had 2 hangouts. One on telegram and the other on zoom.
  • We launched the Mentor Match Program. Our goal was to help entry-level techies get mentored in their various fields in 4 months. Registration will close on the 31st of December, 2021 and 10 mentees in each field will be chosen to get mentored. We had 113 techies sign up for the program.
  • We grew to 1386 members in the More Tribe 🎉🎉🎉🎉

It’s a year in review but we have just done 3 months. We give thanks, regardless.

Many thanks to you for being a member of our community.

Cheers to a new year 🎉🎉🎉🎉

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