How To Transition from a Non-Tech Career to a Career in Tech

December 20, 2022

Meet Taiwo, a 35 year old banker who is doing well for himself. However, he is in search of independence; he wants to be his own boss. As well as self independence, Taiwo is interested in making more money. 

After thinking about it for a while and doing a lot of research, he has discovered the tech industry is a sure industry that can help him achieve his goal. He faces a challenge though, he doesn’t have any tech skill, he’s just a teller guy in the bank. 

Are you like Taiwo? Are you going for a career change? Has the tech industry caught your interest and you have decided to delve into it? It is an excellent decision and you don’t need to worry, you are not alone. 

The tech industry has witnessed tremendous growth over the past few years and more is predicted to come. Affording opportunities to individuals ready to embark on their journey. There is a chance that some areas of the tech industry have not been discovered or delved into. 


If you are ready for the big change, there is no cause for alarm or fret. This article is tailored to help you with tips on how to transition from your non-tech career to a tech career. 

To ensure you have a successful switch to a tech industry, you need to do the following:

  1. Discover Your Why and Conduct a Market Research About the Tech Industry and Area You Want to Move Into

Change is never an easy thing and never comes cheap. The change also doesn’t happen overnight; rather it is a product of relentless and continuous commitment and efforts. The transition from a non-technical role to a technical role doesn’t happen overnight, it may take months.

For you to master the skills you need to take on that dream role, you need perseverance. This is where your ‘why’ comes into place. When the going gets tough, your ‘why’ keeps you moving. Get a clear picture of why you want this. Ask yourself this: What do I want to get out of this role? How will my life change as a result of this role?

Make deep research into the different tech roles to understand which is the best fit for you. You can also speak to people who are currently into those jobs; find out the pros and cons of the job and why they love the job. Ask around, make connections with people, and attend events. 

Once you have decided on the tech role you want, the next step is to map out the skills you need for it. The job descriptions of the role from different companies give you an idea of what skills are required for each role. A particular tech role may have multiple job descriptions from different companies, but you can narrow them down to the most common and focus on them. 

You can also look up companies like Glassdoor and Indeed to have a better understanding of what tech companies are looking for and the salary range for different positions. LinkedIn is not left out in this research. 

2. Take Courses and Training

There are plenty of online courses and training on the web for any role you are going for. Some of them are free while others are paid. You can join the More Techies Academy for no-code tech courses such as Business Analysis, Tech Writing, Social Media Management,UI/UX Design, Product Management and so many more.


A major issue most individuals have with tech training and courses is the fee. However, it is without saying that good things don’t come cheap. It is best to invest in something that will last for a long time and courses are sure things. Your investment in tech training is a great way to gain the skills you need to succeed as a techie in the industry. 

3. Join Online and Offline Tech Community

Tech communities offer you the opportunity to build your network and also your tech knowledge with professionals. Tech communities are made up of newbies, beginners, intermediaries, and professionals in different fields. 


Look for online communities where you can share and learn from others’ ideas and opinions. You will also learn of available opportunities and news in the tech industry. You can join More Tribe as it is one such community. Twitter is also another platform to search for tech communities. 

You can also connect with people in the tech industry through attendance at meetings and networking events. In these meetings, you are bound to meet professionals, people like you, and those who surpass you. Never be shy to connect and reach out to them. You can also search for a tech mentor who will provide guidance and help for you throughout your transition. 

4. Build Your Resume and Portfolio

Tech companies place a high value on strong tech skills and impressive portfolios. You can build your portfolio on platforms such as Github. However, one of the most efficient ways to build your resume and portfolio is through internship and volunteering. 

Example of a Portfolio

You can volunteer your time and work on minor projects with people. They add to your experience in that course you have taken. Why go the extra mile to register for a course and learn a particular tech skill if you can’t test-run what you have learned? Companies are after your evidence of learning your ‘acclaimed course.’ Internships are also another means of building experience in that tech role. 

The More Techies Talent Accelerator Program is efficient in helping you build your portfolio and experience in roles such as tech writing, business analysis, social media management, product management, and UI/UX design. 

5. Learn Soft Skills

Companies are not only interested in hard skills, they want an all-rounded individual. There are soft skills such as time management, critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, and many more which when added to your hard skills can make you a valuable employee.




Never be afraid to start from scratch. Most people who are doing so well in high positions in the tech industry started as interns. One thing that paved a way for them to the top is their commitment. Commitment even in the face of obstacles and challenges. Therefore, take that bold step, keep at it, keep learning and re-learning and you will soon find yourself thriving in the tech industry. 

Have you faced issues transitioning to a tech industry? You can share them below, we’re here to guide you. 

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