MyTechStory: Meet Byron, A Business and Data lead.

December 29, 2022

My Tech Story

Byron Neji

I currently work as the Business and Data lead at Toju Africa.

  • What prompted you to take on this particular role?

The role’s challenges align with my interests which involve designing data-driven solutions to improve livelihood.

  • How long have you been working in your job role?

3 years.

  • How did you get your tech role?

It’s been a turbulent but interesting journey. I’ve always loved meaningful challenges, trying to do what could seem impossible; technology filled that hunger because that’s primarily what it does – Changing the status quo. From graphics designing with basic tools, web design & development, and spreadsheets (which opened up a different door into the world of data), to data engineering.

  • How does your typical workday in your life play out?

I always wake up to old or/and new challenges. First, I pen down my plans, they usually have a similar pattern though. Starting from checking my chats or emails for any urgent response needed, reading a hardcopy book (of any genre), attending meetings (business, webinars, coachings), trying to solve pending business challenges, and completing pending projects.

  • What platform do you enjoy using in the course of working and what fascinates you about it?

Google sheets!

It’s flexible for any kind of activity: either as a rough sheet, or notepad, or calculator. It saves me the time to open different apps for every need, plus it’s in the cloud, hence I could easily access my inputs anytime, with any device.

  • What’s that one thing you wished could be taken off your role’s functions? Better put, a major thorn in your flesh…😅


Being a techie doesn’t stop one from making notes. In short, that’s currently becoming a MUST-have skill, to create comprehensive readme files for readers to understand the entire process of the project.

  • What do you think would make you perform better at what you do? (You never can tell who’s reading this presently)

More challenges.

As a data engineer, it’s easier to get rusty when there’s no project and get better when you’re swimming in them. I’d like to meet new challenges that would enable me to think deeper and solve real-life problems.

  • Who do you look up to as a role model in your role and why?

I don’t have a specific role model. I admire some persons at the top chain of my career for specific skills they have, ranging from sales, and technology, to business acumen.

  • Trying not to sound like that troublesome HR… Tell me, where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Co-founding one of the best startups solving real problems, coaching, mentoring, and speaking about data.

  • Techies are stereotyped as nonchalant; some even claim to work around the clock and have little time for socializing… How true🤷‍♂️?

I’d rather say tech is like water: It’s an excuse for introverts and an opportunity for extroverts.

Mobile and video games. I had to delete Call of Duty because it almost threatened my jobs to the secondary position, lol.

  • What do you have to tell More Techies?

I appreciate the efforts you’re putting into contributing to the awareness and impact of tech on tech enthusiasts. It’s challenging to build and demanding to grow and I’m certain that many experts would be birthed by you.

  • What golden secret can you tell someone trying to get into a similar role as yours to help them succeed?

Build value and master the skill of making the right noise.

  • Do you have any milestone you think wouldn’t have been achieved?…but, alas! You smashed it!💪🏽🚀🤝

In my bid to assist new and aspiring data engineers in building great portfolios, I created a discord group for project building and mentoring. I wasn’t sure about it, but in a few days, the membership grew from 3 friends to 30 interested people from different parts of the world.

  • Hey Techie✌🏻… being sincere, what else do you wish to tell us? You might see it happen/finally get someone inspired! Do you gerriit?😉👍🏼

In this world of noise…learn not to keep quiet.

  • Kindly share a link to your most active social platform. You may be the light someone has been waiting to connect with.

  • If you don’t mind, do you have works/products you’ve worked on that you want to showcase?

  • Before I leave you😊, what’s that one thing that’s going/working well for you ✅, that you can consider as a rose🌹, ever since you ventured into your field of tech?

The fact that I can control my time and space and still satisfy my clients.

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