MyTechStory: Meet Caleb, A Senior QA Engineer.

September 22, 2022

My Tech Story

Caleb Onigbinde

I currently work as a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer at Teamapt Nigeria LTD.

  • What prompted you to take on this particular role?

I would say the role chose me, and it was the right choice. It fits my personality strengths like a glove.

  • How long have you been working in your job role?

4+ years.

  • How did you get your tech role?

I got interviewed… and I was given the chance to prove myself…. hahahahahaha. Alright! A friend who believed I could do well in the role recommended me to her company, and the rest, they say, is history.

  • How does your typical workday in your life play out?

I discuss with my boss, the Product Manager, about the app that we are building on exactly what we are expecting. Then, when the coders finish building it, I check what they have built to be sure it matches what I discussed with the boss.

  • What platform do you enjoy using in the course of working and what fascinates you about it?

Well, the AGILE Project management framework is like the buzz idea in the industry right now with SCRUM methodology to complement. I have always worked with JAVA developers as Quality Assurance Engineer. But prior, I had worked with C# in game programming. I practically enjoy learning new frameworks and tools, especially regarding Software QA Engineering like Postman, Jmeter, Qmertry, Jira, Selenium, Cucumber, Swagger, Cypress, TestRail, etc

  • What’s that one thing you wished could be taken off your role’s functions? Better put, a major thorn in your flesh…😅

Having to compose Test scripts. I hate to have to write the ideas down in words. I mean, it is a different thing to have it as an idea in your head, and another thing when you have to articulate it in such a way that you’re certain no one will be confused.

  • What do you think would make you perform better at what you do? (You never can tell who’s reading this presently)

A great team – and I think I currently have that. Maybe more money in my account would be a huge motivator and stress relief.

  • Who do you look up to as a role model in your role and why?

Most of my role models are the Senior Developers that I have had the opportunity to work with. They have been very instrumental in my progress. They are willing to challenge and encourage me to explore new tools and ideas. I also had the benefit of Tomilola Familoni as a Senior colleague in the field to run to anytime I need anything.

  • Trying to not sound like that troublesome HR… Tell me, where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself enjoying what I am doing more. Exploring more aspects of tech and probably running my own product.

  • Techies are stereotyped as nonchalant; some even claim to work round the clock and have little time for socializing… How true🤷‍♂️?

Excruciatingly true. It is not always that we don’t want to, it is just that we think we have something more important to attend to. We need to interact with our laptops more to get more intimate with it so that it will yield the expected results when instructed.😃

lol… when is that? lol… I watch movies… I play the guitar… I meet with friends and family to have conversations… I spend a lot of time on whatsapp chatting.

  • What do you have to tell More Techies?

Keep up the good work.

  • What golden secret can you tell someone trying to get into a similar role as yours to help them succeed?

Be inquisitive and curious. Be ready to learn and learn and learn. Take responsibility for your work. Build healthy professional relationships. Harness the strength of mentors.

  • Do you have any milestone you think wouldn’t have been achieved?…but, alas! You smashed it!💪🏽🚀🤝

I made a Senior role within 3.5 years of experience. I must admit the 3.5 years were quite intensive and loaded. But I thought the figure would be a limiting factor. ALAS! It didn’t matter as much as what I had to offer.

  • Hey Techie✌🏻… being sincere, what else do you wish to tell us? You might just see it happen/finally get someone inspired! You gerriit?😉👍🏼

Can you make a Schengen visa happen?

  • Kindly share a link to your most active social platform. You may just be the light someone has been waiting to connect with.

  • If you don’t mind, do you have works/products you’ve worked on that you want to showcase?

I have worked on Bioregistra, iClocker (not sure if the product is still live), BIosmart (work with it briefly), Aptpay (Teamapt Interbank transfer platform – defunct), Core Banking Application (built from scratch by my team because of our custom requirements) and many other service-oriented architecture Apps

  • Before I leave you😊, what’s that one thing that’s going/working well for you ✅, that you can consider as a rose🌹, ever since you ventured into your field of tech?

I enjoy the work I do; also, I believe it’s a blessing.

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