MyTechStory: Meet Adesola, The Freelancer Data Analyst

June 22, 2022
MyTechStory - More Techies - Adesola Dosumu

My Tech Story

Adesola Dosumu

My name is Adesola Dosumu and I’m a Data Analyst. I work as a freelancer on different projects and challenges, on which I have built my portfolio.

  • Why have you chosen this role?

For someone like me who loves to work through challenges and work with numbers, Data Analytics is seen to be my thing!

  • How long have you been working as a Data Analyst?

For over 8 months now.

  • How did you get your role in tech?

Networking and joining communities are very beneficial. Many opportunities fly around and that’s what I leveraged on.

  • What is a typical workday in your life like? (Kindly explain like you’re explaining to a 6yr old😁) 

Depending on what I have planned out. Some days are for learning, some for implementing and some for sending out applications but one thing I’ll say is that Time management is very crucial to hitting goals and targets daily.

  • Challenges come with every role. What are yours and how are you facing them?

One of my challenges is too many resources you never know which one to learn. What I do is ask my seniors and focus on my learning roadmap and just focus on that. Outside the role, It’s electricity and Data costs but God has been helping us!.

  • What do you think would make you perform better at what you do? (You never know who’s reading😉)

Better equipment and resources. A conducive working space too.

  • What golden secret can you tell someone trying to get into a similar role as yours to help them succeed?

Data Analytics is a wide field and one can get lost getting in. The first thing to do is to create a learning roadmap that’ll help you with all you need to learn. Also connecting with those who have gone ahead is very beneficial. You get to ask questions and learn from their experiences.

  • Not to sound like that annoying interviewer at the recruitment table, but… Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hmm!!! In 5 years, I hope to be working for an international company like Google.
By then, I’ll have carved a name for myself in the Data Analytics field, continuous learning and development too. One thing is, I’m not limiting myself to what I can be and achieve. So help me God!!!

  • It is said that people in tech work ‘haaarrrdd!’ (Some have even said they are boring. Walls have ears)🤐 How true?

Yes, we do work haaarddd!!!! and that because there’s a lot to learn and keep up with but that doesn’t make us boring. Some of us are able to create a balance though. After work is play because “All work and no play makes Adesola a dull girl”

  • What you do for fun. Please tell us how you unwind? 

I am an introvert so most of the time its movies and chill. I go out sometimes when there’s someone to tag along with. I don’t like going out alone.

  • What impact has More Techies had on you and your role?

More Techies gave me some sort of direction and helped me focus on what I needed to build my career. I met other techies like me in the community and it gives a sense of belonging knowing I’m not alone.

  • Just between us, (not exactly promising our readers won’t get the scoop😎) but, what else would you like to tell us? 

Being a Techie isn’t easy at all but one has to be resilient and dedicated. It can get overwhelming and trust me there are days I’ve cried but we wipe the tears and continue the journey.

  • How can we see your portfolio and how can we connect with you online?

Sure. You can check out my portfolio here:

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