MyTechStory: Meet Mary, A UI/UX Designer at Unicus Campus Warri.

August 4, 2022

My Tech Story

Sokoh Mary

I work as a UI/UX Designer at Unicus Campus Warri.

  • Why have you chosen this role?

It was not my first choice actually. I started out as a Web Developer back in 2019, but I could not focus on it because of the lockdown. I felt I could not do it without assistance, so I stopped writing codes. It was not good for me; I tried writing, but it was not just sticking. I was not consistent with it, but I later decided to go back into tech, thanks to a friend of mine; that was when I discovered design but not just design, UX design. I just took a leap of faith and started and I am glad it is working out well for me.

  • How long have you been working in your job role?

A few months now. I started designing in February.

  • How did you get your tech role?

I made research about my role, watched videos on YouTube on what the course really is and I went to a company called Unicus Campus to apply for the role of a UI designer.

  • What is a typical workday in your life like? (Kindly explain like you’re explaining to a 6yr old 😁) 

My day starts off well… I wake up, prepare for work and head out. It can be stressful at times but the people around me are really good at findings ways to relieve the stress around the office.

  • Challenges come with every role. What are yours and how are you facing them?

I find it difficult to put my work out there most times… like I don’t post and I know I am supposed to do that.
I am currently teaching a child how to design with dogma and it was quite challenging for me because it’s my first time; I am not an outspoken person, but I am working on it and I believe I will get better.

  • What do you think would make you perform better at what you do? (You never know who’s reading 😉)

Having a mentor would be a good thing for me. I have people I want to impress like my family but I don’t really have someone who can guide me… I am just doing my thing.

If I can design more, read more books, and write more. Basically, I need to improve more. I know it’s not a day’s journey 😅.

  • What golden secret can you tell someone trying to get into a similar role as yours to help them succeed?

Guyyy, there is no secret. 😉
You just have to show up every day. Even if it’s a button you create each day, it’s something. I am not even that good but I am still here because I want to get somewhere. So, just show up, take it a day at a time.

  • Not to sound like that annoying interviewer at the recruitment table, but… Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Probably working for a big company in canada😂🙏🥺. That’s my prayer. Thank you for this question, I have not really thought about it… That was the first answer that entered my head😂.
But if everything works well in my favour, I really want to start something for kids and bring them into the tech space.

  • It is said that people in tech work ‘haaarrrddd!’ (Some have even said they are boring. Walls have ears);🤐 How true?

Omo make I nor lie…
It’s hard only when you are not committed or consistent. That was why I said you should show up.
You will notice when you get to a certain stage, it will come to you easily; even though might still be a little hard, you will grasp it easier at that higher level.

  • What you do for fun. Please tell us how you unwind. 

I play video games, listen to music, and watch animes and cartoons.

  • What impact has More Techies had on you and your role?

When I started, I was doing things on my own but thanks to the Bootcamp and the UI/UX cohort course, I can say I am doing well. I still have a lot but More Techies have opened my eyes. The Organizers and Tutors are all doing well, this is a great platform. Thank you💖

  • Just between us, (not exactly promising our readers won’t get the scoop 😎), what else would you like to tell us? 

When I am done with the course, I would still like to stay with More Techies; if possible, get a job too.

  • Kindly share a link to your most active social platform. You may just be the light someone has been waiting to connect with.

  • If you don’t mind, do you have works/products you’ve worked on that you want to showcase?

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